If you don’t know who Mila Jade is then you’ve never been to the happy tugging massage palace I guess. She’s an exquisite Asian beauty that have a way with her hands. Mila Jade is one of the most popular massage girls at the palace and she’s not shy at all when it comes to giving her customers exactly what they want. In fact, she got caught on hidden camera in the massage room fucking her client! That’s how much of a people pleaser Mila Jade is. That’s not the only time she’s done this either. I’ve personally had the experience of sticking my dick inside her tight Asian pussy and it was delightful.
Don’t worry, if you can’t get to the Happy Tugging palace then you can always watch the videos that we have saved online for you. We created a members only section of the Happy Tugging site for you to enjoy. Check it out and let me know if you find other models that you like in there as well! I love knowing people’s favorite massage girls.